Saturday, February 5, 2011

OMG! Now it all makes sense.. why the govt think's it OK to endanger our lives

We've seen strange things in the area we live.. Things that you wouldn't ordinarily see in any other place.

Govt officials who allow 15 year olds to learn to fire off rifles, in school yet. I mean, geez. Louise, they ain't in the miltary are they?
Well, we had to move out of that area, it got so bad... and then moved to another state... another corrupt, weird arse, strange clannish place.
It was pretty, really pretty. so scenic and beautiful. Course the roads were like roads from hell. We even lived near a race car driver. So I could see how he learned to be one. This road to our place, was mega dangerous. hairpins turns everywhere, blind curves...

But they sure didn't seem to care much about keeping things safe. They had evil people down there. people who'd beat up other people, even their relatives, try to run you over, and kill you, if you walked down the road, that type of thing. Of course, the local PD didn't do much of anything. it was a bit like living in Mississippi in the 50s I suppose but this wasn't 50 years ago either. It was recently.

Finally we go back to a state we didn't really like to begin with.. it started to get really weird there... Well, we moved into a super weird town... I'll not name it, cuz the people across from us, tried to shoot a gun at us, once, when we stepped outside.

We cried out, "Don't do that", and the little witch, though she wasn't little, said, "just you watch me!"
Wow.. I thought for sure we'd be killed. Tried to call the law, but they came over & were chatting & talking to the perps, like it was some kind of hen party!
Creepy! Then we were assaulted by the police themselves, later .. no one helped us either.

But that's so typical of this area... the good ole' south. Well, it ain't good, and there ain't no southern hospitality here neither.
Don't let anyone convince you of that.. but we got tired of being abused by the neighbors and tried to find friends on the web.
There was a few sites that were nice, but most are not! I hate that about most of the web now.. how they allow all this rudeness.
Shoot, if you yelled & screamed obscenities and insults to someone in person, they'd probably arrest you for disorderly conduct!
But not this crowd...we kept speaking out about stuff that was horrible in our town.. True stuff, stuff, we'd seen on the news, and with our own two eyes.
They got a website, I'll not name its name. Think we're being stalked now.. but they got some evil fucked up nasty trolls. Trolls the moderators does NOTHING about EVER!
You go there, thinking you'll be treated well, and they're nice for awhile, but don't be disagreeing with these twats about anything! They're f**ed up as hell. You don't like my language google, then you are subject to a lawsuit. It's called freedom of Speech, thank you.
You think you can post anyone's aerial shot of their home and not even get permission, but yet, we cannot swear here! Get over yourself!
I'm starting to not like Google at all! I cannot find anything at all when we try to search with its search tool.

We don't have the time to spend like 20 min. going thru the 10 pages of stuff, that never applies to what we're looking for.. annoying.

well, one of the trolls gets on this site, and claims that she worked for the federal... i mean state government.. It turns out she's worked for the same states that have violated our civil rights countless times! Now, i'm starting to see why the govt here in this country, does NOT do a thing when you complain about something.
She is the meanest, nastiest, fucked up, lying cyberbully & cunt I've ever run into! Meanwhile she pretends she's a nice person.
Then she is posting, admitting to feeding the bears all the time in her yard! Whoa.. I don't know where she lives, but I do know you do NOT want to start feedin wild bears!
what a fucking idiot this chick is! Yet, she's worked for the state that insists it's OK to feed ALL wild animals. I swear, this state is completely mental!! They are NUTS down here!
What are they thinking anyway? Or do they EVER think? Do they EVER consider the safety of others? Nope, never, cuz it SUITS them to feed wild bears and who the hell cares if people's dogs are being killed in an urban area, cuz you, you stupid fucking cunt, cannot stop feeding wild bears.
Now, if I lived in the country, and kept seeing wild bears near my house, cuz my neighbors were feeding them daily, I'd be afraid to leave the house! Once we had a baby bear, and it was TALL too... at least the size of a medium size dog, coming up to our back porch and attacking the bird feeder.

Damn the bears are really a pain in the arse to have around! You gotta not put your trash out, at nite.. gotta walk out around dusk, cuz they come out at that time..
They'll attack and kill a dog within minutes.

But, if our state government has idiots like this, who attack others religiously on a website that prohibits it, and yet, she claims she's a "nice person" then I can clearly see why our government is so F##ked Up! If this type of person is who their staff is, no wonder people can get no results from contacting the government!!!
This bitch kept insisting that you should write letters over & over, about a situation that puts you in immediate danger! DUH.. don't you get it, you flipping idiot??? We do NOT want to die! At least not any time soon.. not for years..
but she doesn't care... she'll stick up for bears in a bear sanctuary, claiming they're being mistreated but she couldn't care less, people cannot even step outside their back doors safely, anymore with all the wild animals running loose out there, cuz of fucked up fools like HER!

Now I'm not whining, making up stores, but bears are dangerous to be around. Yeah, they're interesting to see, but tell me this, would you want to swim in a pool full of piranhas? I doubt it. but that's about as safe as being outside, when a bear, who's been fed regularly by humans starts to come around. They're getting aggressive now to humans, for they've lost their fear, due to the idiots who INSIST on feeding them, near other people's homes.

well maybe if you are way away up in the woods and there's not homes near ya, for miles, then feed the damn bears. It's your funeral, not mine. but don't DARE feed these creatures if you got neighbors nearby.

That ought to be a crime! Especially in a city that won't allow anyone to fire off a gun, within its city limits!
That pisses me off, big time. But I've got a right to speak my mind. It's OK for her to slam us, to berate 10 people an hour on a website that doesn't allow that, but it's NOT okay for me to swear about others in the government who are literally destroying and risking our lives???
That's discrimination, and if you report this post, I'll sue you for harassment. It's high time our govt, who's taken our last dime, starts to act responsibly! No more, oh, just wait, we'll get to it in time, BS! Quit the crap, you're getting paid, nimrods!

Time to actually follow the laws you were hired to uphold! This govt down here, just sucks arse! I mean it.. it's literally like living in some 3rd world country.

You cannot defend yourself, you cannot speak out, you cannot fire off a firearm to ward off highly dangerous animals that come up to your back steps... what on earth.. do you think all americans are suicidal?

well, if you are suicidal, come this way. You won't even have to kill yourself, cuz someone else will easily do it, and think nothing of it!

And they call this America? they should have let the Deep South, succeed from the union... they're so strange, their ways... so narrow-minded, prejudiced, and so mean & hateful, many of the southerners. I mean this is the home of the KKK! Who on earth thinks it's their right to hang someone from a TREE, of all things, just cuz their skin is a different colour? That's weird, very weird.. very creepy too! Eeek... what can I say? Truth is stranger than fiction

You know, I've met many a nice southerner in my day, but we're really having trouble finding anyone nice in this area, lately!
I bet all the nice ones, decided to get the hell out of here, too before, they lose their lives!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I find Hypocrites so Disturbing...

One of my main pet peeves are hypocrites. People who claim to be one way, but yet, do the complete opposite.
Or, they insist that YOU act a certain way, but think nothing of behaving in the way they've just criticized YOU for!
I'll give you an example. We knew this girl, I'll called her Bella, and she roomed for years with this older guy, in his 50s, I'll call him Glenn.
Now Bella was going off about the fact one of our male friends was dating a girl who was 5 years older than him! So what? He's in his late 30s, he's not a kid, she's sort of a cute girl, I can see him being attracted to her. But Bella was indignant that he'd date someone "that" much older.
Meanwhile, her older roommate Glen, thinks NOTHING of trying to pick up women half his age. Last night, we all went out to a nightclub to see a band we liked. Glenn, was chatting up a girl, who honestly looked to be all of 17 years old! Wow... meanwhile, in the back room they kept CRITICIZING and making snide comments over us "older ladies".
We're not senior citizens yet, and one of us, just had a baby only a few months back, so we're not exactly over the hill yet, but if I had my way, I'd be off this mountain period! God, men can be such hypocrites and I'm really tired of seeing women treated as 2nd class citizens!
We work our heads off, to take car of our families, our men, our bf's, our children, etc and this is the thanks we get?

No good, not good at all, but that's the southern culture for you.

I don't really think they've shown much respect to women, except for their moms, for a long time now. All the women are expected to look "beautiful" at all times, here in the south, even if you are only going to pick up a gallon of milk in a grocery store. However, countless times I've seen guy dressed like bums, i.e. they are dressed like they just finished doing chores out in their backyards, and look very disheveled and unkempt, but that's OK for guys!
For us, it's totally not.

Also, I see another thing with men. Lots of men don't want other guys checking them out, or putting their hands on them, (which I can well understand) but somehow a woman either being a lesbian or bisexual is perfectly acceptable to them, and they expect many women to tolerate another woman eyeing them over, or even another woman making a pass at her.
There was this one girl there last night, well she looked all of 22 years old, if at that, but instantly I was getting creepy vibes off her. I'm not a lesbian, so I sure don't want ANY woman checking me out, like a man would. This young girl, likes looks me over, and sits right next to me, making sure she's sitting as close as possible.
It made me very uncomfortable and I got up and left. I noticed though, this other lady, though it was perfectly OK to do a close dance with her, like they were man and woman waltzing. That's always strange to me. Then they were talking candidly, smiling like banshees and just acting like BFF! Maybe that's why my friend broke up with her. I never really thought of her as a lesbian or bisexual, but I could well be wrong. I do remember that Sandra Bullock, just came out in the news that she likes women, dating-wise. Well, maybe that's explains why her husband starting to cheat on her! He wanted a woman, who wanted a man, not another woman!

I don't mind dancing, with others, if you are sort of dancing on your own and you got at least several feet of space between y'all. But all these girls, who expect other women to dance with them, very close , and in a sort of waltz/couple style dancing, like they're dancing with a guy, is very odd to me!

I also kept seeing these older woman, last nite, kept looking at me, like they were checking me out. Then I noticed them, later getting up, holding hands! Well, obviously my instincts proved right. They were probably lesbians or bisexual women. Creepy!
I hate that place cuz they have the weirdest people go in there. I've heard though that a girl was threatened by a man, in there, and the owners didn't want to do a thing about it!
I also heard someone got run over there, in the back of their club by a car. I bet, again, the owners didn't really care!

Maybe they need to start bringing back Discos and Country Western Dancing back to our area! I certainly loved that kind of dancing myself. You got to learn all sorts of new steps, and it was nice and romantic way to meet attractive men!
I'd certainly not be close-dancing with any woman, though. But, those kinds of dance halls, didn't really attract the left-wing, super-liberal, homosexual or bisexual crowd, whereas that club last night we went to, did!

I sure wish they'd sell that close to new management. It definitely needs a new influence there.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why kids are overweight nowadays.. it sort of figures considering..

They were saying that kids being overweight is the norm, now, not the exception, but that sort of figures.

When we were kids, there were no computers, or even video games til we got into high school.. so most of our playtime, involved being outside, building forts, play hide & go seek, tag, something physical, but now.. what kids do for fun, is mostly inside stuff.
And the parents, they always are chaufferring their kids from one place to another, while we had to walk to the store, to our friends' house, etc, to SCHOOL even!

Geez now the kids are SO SO sheltered and SPOILED! It makes sense they have gained weight they shouldn't have. I've got NOTHING against being overweight but it does have an effect on your heart, your health sometimes.

Well, they are BLAMING the food they kids eat.. well, perhaps part of that is right, but more so.. it's the fact that kids no longer WALK like they used to!

Towns won't even build sidewalks anymore! You go look at an older neighborhood, built in the 50s or 40s, or even the 60s and 9 times out of 10, they had SIDEWALKS!

But now, the towns don't want to BOTHER with sidewalks.. So no wonder the parents are forced to drive their kids everywhere, there is NOWHERE safe to walk in town anymore. there's NO SPACE for pedestrians to safely walk on!

I know the same is true in our town.. We have places in the city limits and very few of them HAVE sidewalks, very few!

Only the older neighborhoods have them! That's a shame!

So MUCH for being green Asheville! You people are not GREEN! Just cuz you refuse to give out a plastic bag for customer's purchases doesn't make you GREEN!

You don't give a fig about the ecology, that's a crock! You just wanna make $$$ hand over fist here... I have YET to see what I see as a Green Movement!

One.. they had some houses, and I'll post a photo of this place, they build the houses on the EDGE OF A CLIFF! WHOA.. all their backyards, if you wanna call them that, involved, just a deck and a plunge of 200 feet over a cliff! Wow.. and I do believe there was a river beneath the cliff!

My word! I can just imagine if that structure underneath the house, starts to deteriorate.. what kind of danger that will post those families and the people who live in those houses, lives?

Eek! That's Asheville for you though. Full of weird people with weird ideas now! It used to be the opposite. lots of normal people, down to earth people with good ideas.. Not so much anymore..

You'd think they'd want to make lots of neighboods and shopping plazas with sidewalks so we could walk or bike safely to these places, but NOPE, they don't want to.
Nor do they have a very good bus system!

Gosh, even in Honolulu, which isn't a very big city. they got a GREAT bus system there. you can go almost anywhere anytime all over the island!
Nope, they want us driving cars! Lots of them! And how GREEN is that? How much pollution does that create? I tell ya.. lots and that's why we have so many trees dying of acid rainfall in the National Forests around here..

All that pollution is taking its toll. I just saw a story that they are going to be building rails in the eastern side of the state, but we need that here, in the western part of the state! I'm betting they WILL NOT bother to do that either! :(
Anyway, I'm surprised there are so many overweight kids now, but you consider that you spend your time, out of school, just sittin there playing video games or chatting on the net or just sitting there texting your buddies, how much exercise are you going to get?
And moms, don't bother to make home cooked meals much anymore, cuz most of them are working.

You start looking at all the chemicals in a microwaved meal and you'll be shocked! So many unpronounceable names of ingredients!

I feel bad for kids now, cuz so many woods and wildlife have been torn down before they were born. We always had woods to play in as kids, but now.. where you gonna find woods even?

That's "progress" they call it, but I don't find it very progressive OR Green! :(

the local news did not even MENTION it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday!

This is weird to me. I grew up in an area, 'swamped' by people of Irish descent. There were SO many Irish people when I grew up, in my region...Now, don't get offended. I love the Irish, most of my best friends were at least 1/2 Irish. I know how to say Kiss your Backside in Irish. I know most of their customs and ways of thinking. I think the Irish are wicked cool myself :)

And man.. they sure got a lot of nice looking guys from Ireland, that's for sure! Colin Farrell, while he may be a bit of a cad, sure is easy on the eyes, you gotta admit that! :) Liam Niason, another Irish actor, who's presence sure doesn't make me feel sad at all to be born a woman.. there are numerous Irish lads out there who are exceedingly handsome, that's for sure!

I think I'd probably love living in Ireland. And my favorite beer is IRISH, Guiness! Well, to think a city the size of Asheville does NOT have any St. Patrick's Day celebration. Even my favorite pub... whom I'll not mention cuz this IS the internet and I keep running into all these cyber-bullies lately... did not even OPEN for St. Paddy's day!

I said Happy St. Paddy's Day to two fellows yesterday! I don't really know them well, one is a neighbor, but another a black guy... and they both seemed pleased I would wish them that...

Gosh. what is WITH town anyways?
So strange! I have NEVER lived in a town that didn't actively celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

I was going to go out... but was so tired, and I'm so broke right now.. Instead I just bought some green M&Ms and thought about St. Patrick's Day, but I wonder if much was going on in town last nite...

I bet there wasn't . I went out last Saturday night! Oh, this is SUCH a party town! Not! I went into my favorite club and by 10:30 p.m. they were closing DOWN! Ten thirty on a SATURDAY night and you're closing your doors! Tried to go south of town but my god, there's hardly ANYWHERE to go that's decent!

Maybe I need to head in a different direction. who knows.... this is awful... The only good thing that happened was there was a rather cute guy standing outside, who later did a pretty good karaoke song in that place, but honestly, not much to offer in the way of entertainment.

It seems only the 20 somethings now go out to clubs.. What's up with that? I know in my 20s.. we really didnt go clubbing much, we'd go do lots of outside stuff, but when we wanted to have fun, we'd make our own fun! :) at home, or at our friends' house!

We lived on a remote spot in the Pacific so maybe that had something to do with it.. but we never really CRAVED going out to the clubs when I was in my 20s.. it was much more fun, just hanging out with your BF, or going to your friends' house and hanging out..

Now, it seems ALL the 20s somethings.. that's THEIR form of entertainment.. clubbing.. going out.. all dressed to the nines, or looking like the street walker down the in the bad part of town, texting...getting on "social networks" and printing all kinds of personal info & pictures about yourself.... I don't know.. I am SO glad I didn't grow up in these times.

I really feel sorry for the normal kids who gotta grow up in these times. It must be rough!

Anyway. I see poor Sandra Bullock has broken up with her husband Jesse! :( How sad! I like Sandra Bullock, I really do.. and to think her movie, Blind Side, I think it's called, has been SO successful, and now her SO is cheating on her.. what a bittersweet pill that must be to swallow!

You know though, when she first started seeing Jesse James, it just seems he was SO NOT her type! I don't know.. I'm not her.. so who am I to judge. but all the tattoos, his sort of tough guy stance. and she's so gentle, so classic looking. .. it just seemed like an odd match to me...
Maybe I was a bit pyschic, but I wouldn't imagine her sneaking around on her man, but yet, he thinks it's ok to do that to her.
At least she's got the smarts to ditch his ass.
I see that Tiger Wood's wife, has taken him back! Oh, dear, good luck with that woman! I hope she has gotten herself a host of STD tests to make sure he's not given her something she cannot get rid of..

You see, cheating now, is not just a heartbreak, it's life-threatening..... Aids, that still exists, they do NOT have a cure for that, yet,Herpes, you name it, there's a host of incurable illnesses out there you can catch if you got a wandering lover..

Not a good thing.. and speaking of lovers. I was so glad to see that I'm NOT the only one who's opposing this stupid law Arseville wants to pass, that insists the taxpayers of Arseville PAY for the health benefits of gay "partners".

Now I stopped to think this over, and IS there any law out there that pays for the health benefits of a man and woman living together? Or one that does that for them, if they have children either? I don't think so....
So WHY do gays get all these exclusive benefits? that seems discriminatory toward the straight people to me. Just think about it, do you know of a black couple, a man and woman, who are just living together, but their "partner" is entitled to receive Health Benefits from the town in which you live in?
That is simply ridiculous!

This nation or maybe I should say this world, has become truly twisted.. maybe all those predictions in the Bible are right!

That man will desire man more than women, and so on... it sure seems to becoming true in this town, sadly enough.

Hey if you are a lady, and even a good lucking lady, don't expect to come to Trashville and get laid one night when come to some nightclub here in town. Don't! You'll be disappointed over & over, more likely you'll have a parcel of lesbians looking you up and down and trying to get "friendly" with you.
That's SO creepy! :(

I noticed there is a man in town, Don Yelton, who's also opposed to the passing of that law for Gay "partners"! Good for him. and Mayor Bellamy, whom I'm going to send a postcard to soon, she's also saying WHERE is there a law like the one the gays are trying to ram down the throats of Arseville taxpayers, claiming that in Charlotte, the gay "partners" have to have THEIR health benefits paid for?

I mean, come on now. this is the absolute WORST recession, or probably depression, in history! And we can barely pay for our OWN BASIC living expenses, never mind paying for some fudge packer's health care?

I cannot even afford to go to a decent doctor now, even if I've been injured badly! WHY in heavens NAME, should I be forced to pay for someone who's PERFECTLY healthy and is able to HAVE SEX daily with their gay partner?

Go out there and get a fucking job for yourself gay "partners"! Cuz you SURE have a better chance of getting a job in the town of As$eville being GAY than you do if you are STRAIGHT, or over 40 or disabled or a certain minority! And you gay people are NO minority in the town of Arseville! They say that Arseveill is the THIRD GAYEST city in the nation! So.. taxpayers consider how many PEOPLE that will be you'll be footing the bill for! Quite a lot I'd say. Bad enough we have to pay FREE health care to illegal aliens who shouldn't be working here in the first place!

And the straight people, the over 40 people and the disabled people SURE are NOT being offered ANY kind of health benefits lately in their jobs! They are LUCKY they can even GET jobs nowadays!!!! :(

So piss off, gay "partners'. Man, have you people have a nerve!

I'm so SICK of this whole GAY agenda, I could puke!

Now, don't call me homophobic. I used to have a lot of gay friends. people who were considerate of others feelings, of straight people's feelings, but this new "breed" of gays.. forget it!
They are arrogant, selfish, hateful people

I have never been more discriminated against in a job than I was when I was working for two different gay guys at two different jobs!

That sucked! One boss even had the NERVE to make a LEWD remark about some cop patrolling our business once, a remark that if I had said in the presence of other straight people, I'd have been FIRED on the spot.
The cop walked by, a rather fit looking guy in his late 20s, and the BOSS, of all people comments. "Oh, I'd like him to CUFF me and STUFF me!"
I was shocked, as I was standing RIGHT NEXT to my boss, when he made that remark to another male gay employee!
Luckily that company is NOW out of Business! lol. Geez, I wonder why...
I was even assaulted by this gay guy once at work, and the company did NOTHING for me, the president of the company, even though I had visible black & blue marks from where the guy hit me, and the gay guy was OVER 6 feet tall! They didn't even pay for my damn medical expenses, so WHY am I EXPECTED to pay for the health "benefits" of some weird gay person????

That same gay man ALSO made numerous LEWD comments in front of over 15 women at work! That was OK, (yeah right!) cuz he was GAY!

So piss off you selfish gay people! You don't need any more "compensation" for being gay! This society has put you up on pedestals..

Cannot wait til you fall off, and come down to the earth with the rest of us... Then you'll see what it's REALLY like to be harassed and discriminated against!

You gay people are NOT being discriminated against! Not in any shape or form. You're being admired, given the right to create chaos and sexual harassment at work and numerous other social ills.
I have NO sympathy for you, and why should I?
I have sympathy for people who are BORN with disabilities, mental illnesses, they have NO control over, being harassed or persecuted cuz they are born a certain race or religion that many people despise or have hateful attitudes towards, THOSE people need health benefits not you!

As long as you don't come out of the closet, no one even KNOWS you are gay! You get to live whatever life you choose and then we have to REWARD you for such a disgusting, vile lifestyle!

Try covering up the fact you are black, or oriental, or of American Indian race or Jewish, or handicapped! That's a real challenge, trust me!

I'm not going to REWARD you people for your "alternative" lifestyel! You CHOOSE to be gay! No one forced it on you, (well, maybe you became gay after you seduced by some gay person, but still... you were NOT born that way!) I don't care about you people anymore! You have proved OVER & OVER you do NOT care about the straight people!

To expect the poor and I DO mean poor str8 people to foot the BILL for your decrepid lifestyle and your "partner" in such an awful economic time, is so revealing of your "true" character honestly! You are selfish, evil people, if that's your mindset!

I'm so glad I'm not gay! I really don't think anyone's BORN gay either. I've talked to many of my gay friends and it was always something weird or traumatic had happened to them that made them become gay!

I've also known people who were gay and then decided to become str8.. and then have children and were extremely happy! :)

So.. it's not like you don't have a CHOICE, like black people, hispanic people, disabled people, Oriental people or Jewish people who were BORN a certain race or with a certain physical handicap.

or, it seems in this town, IRISH people!

Now someone tell me WHY Arseville did NOT make a big deal bout St. Patrick's day.. I want to know? They didn't even mention it on the news yesterday!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cyber-bullies and Hypocrits, are they much different?

I find they are not! The cyberbullies ALWAYS want or EXPECT you to treat them with kid gloves, but god forbid you expect the same in return!

Wow.. I wrote a few days ago, about this one cyber-bully.. supposedly she's a mom (YES, she's an adult, how sad, huh?) and also a COLLEGE professor.
I'd like to find out just WHERE she works so I never apply to the school where she's working... creepy...
But cyber-bullies ARE creepy!

You might not say anything, because you don't want to incur their wrath, but silence is not always golden. If you keep your mouth shut and NEVER say anything to a bully, or even worse, a cyber-bully that only encourages them to keep on what they do best, harassing, intimidiating, insulting, and degrading others

And HOW is that considered a reputable person? Wow.. I'd like to send a copy of this woman's post to the place where she works, because she also said rude things about some of her students... That's sad.. geez, even locally I heard this one teacher was being punished for calling one of the students he had a loser! And that kid is not spending good money to be in school, while these students are!

That's odd, but it's good in a way.. that kids self-esteem are NOT something to be tossed around no more! I rather like that idea..... that being mean is not considered an OK thing!

Well, I think I can relate well to that scenario, cuz people are ALWAYS mean to me! It seems to be a way of life for them, to pick on someone they think they can get away with.. but you know.. that is the ONE good thing about the internet...

People can get OUT there, that there are bad people in the world, and warn others! I like that idea.. I always try to warn people if there's something hazardous out there.. I'm just that way..
Some people are, they look out for others, while others try to get away WITH harming other people.

Well, the world is made up of all kinds..
I'll continue this later.. I'll put in here what this witch I was talkig about was saying to people! Quite hypocritical, I tell you...
i'm off here for now..

Saturday, March 13, 2010

MY GOD, the cyber-bullies are like poisonous VENON on the Web!

I'm telling you, it's getting SO old now!

The amount of hateful vicious, vindicative a##holes who exist on the web, only to start flame wars, tearing someone to ribbons, they don't even KNOW!

I mean, really! Can you NOT find something better to do with your time???

The problem is, whenever I join a new forum, lately, even though it CLAIMS we are OBLIGATED to be RESPECTFUL to others, I end up being tossed about like some tennis ball, by some weird arse rude, deliberately abrasive, control freak CYBER BULLY!

I hate the internet, I'm really starting to! It's wasted SO much of my time, trying to defend myself against all these RUDE MOTHERFUCKERS!

I will probably create a blog on the website I'm speaking of, one day, but to day I'm not! They are weird as hell!

I did complain about them on another site though.. let others KNOW what kind of WITCH exists on their website, and then they can see if they will STILL get any business off it?

Hehehe.. you see, these moderators who DON"T moderate are often the cause of all the cyber-bullying!

It's sad.. it's like a town without any police where the crooks run rampant and the civil nice people, just don't bother to leave their houses!

I was just reading about some Ebay problems that were occurring, something about handbags and how the sellers, some of them, were gettin cut-throat b/c someone found out there were being fake purses sold!

Well, I can well see why I DON'T have a love for the internet, or a trust for it either! One guy actually was threatening one of the people involved and I foudn that downright creepy, saying watch out.. cuz we can google your home address... etc. etc.

which is WHY i'm very careful about WHAT I put out on the web! I do NOT like entering online applications for jobs either, and this one forum, was ALL about jobs!

So.. stop & THINK for a second. You got someone on there who thinks they OWN the place, they are a cyber-bully and are harassing all the newbies, BUT you got companies coming on there looking for help wanted, and these companies EXPECT you to enter ALL your personal info!

Whoa! And I'm REALLY going to do that???? I doubt it.. i'm not that stupid or foolish...cuz WHO KNOWS this cyber-bully could be best mates with one of the companies reps and then they screw you over royal, get all your personal info and there's identity theft involved.. or worse!
They were asking how many children you had, their ages, etc. That's WEIRD! What is the purpose of THAT if all you need me to do is work for you? You are not goin to let me bring in my children to work with me, are you?

Anyway.. i'm TIRED very TIRED of ALL the rude people I keep running into and having to deal with lately!
I'm NOT in the best health lately... but I'm sure not wanting to waste HOURS of my time fighting with some cyber-bully just cuz I ask a simple question on a forum!

GOD! I fucking HATE cyber-bullies!

You know, in reality, they are the WORST cowards that exist in the free world! They KNOW you wont' come after them, cuz they are hiding behind their little computer screeens, but if they said to you in real life what they say to you on a web page, then most likely you'd probably be wanting to slap them across the face!
And that's what they deserve! I HATE people who push innocent people around in real life!
I just saw this special on 20/20 where some parents had given birth to children who had schizophrenia! Wow.. never realized just HOW bad it was for the parents. they couldnt' even raise their children together!

They had a little baby boy and the little girl who was mentally ill would ALWAYS try to hit the baby! Oh, dear! That kind of explains alot of crime & murders, really!

My word, though, I felt SO bad for the parents.. all they had to deal with.. having a kid who was hostile and dangerous to be around.. that must suck so!

Sort of like having a mean dog in your house! I really always made it a point to get dogs with gentle natures! It's great to have a loving dog.

it's getting really GOOD between the dog and the cat now. The cat is now hanging out in the same room as the pup, boy, I jsut LOVE that!

She feels comfortable with him and is even eating her food in the same room he hangs out in alot! I'm so pleased! I love the fact the cat likes the dog and the dog LOVES HER! :)

It's sweet.. you see, I do complain about alot of stuff i know, but I'm bothered when I see a lack of love present between people, species, races, etc.. it's disturbing.

I am a peaceful person though I don't believe in taking anyone's shit! But... at the same point I don't go around causing shit for other people either!
I believe what comes around, goes around... I truly do.. You be mean to ppl all the time, it's gonna come back to haunt ya! For sure!
Okay, i'm off here. whew!