Saturday, February 5, 2011

OMG! Now it all makes sense.. why the govt think's it OK to endanger our lives

We've seen strange things in the area we live.. Things that you wouldn't ordinarily see in any other place.

Govt officials who allow 15 year olds to learn to fire off rifles, in school yet. I mean, geez. Louise, they ain't in the miltary are they?
Well, we had to move out of that area, it got so bad... and then moved to another state... another corrupt, weird arse, strange clannish place.
It was pretty, really pretty. so scenic and beautiful. Course the roads were like roads from hell. We even lived near a race car driver. So I could see how he learned to be one. This road to our place, was mega dangerous. hairpins turns everywhere, blind curves...

But they sure didn't seem to care much about keeping things safe. They had evil people down there. people who'd beat up other people, even their relatives, try to run you over, and kill you, if you walked down the road, that type of thing. Of course, the local PD didn't do much of anything. it was a bit like living in Mississippi in the 50s I suppose but this wasn't 50 years ago either. It was recently.

Finally we go back to a state we didn't really like to begin with.. it started to get really weird there... Well, we moved into a super weird town... I'll not name it, cuz the people across from us, tried to shoot a gun at us, once, when we stepped outside.

We cried out, "Don't do that", and the little witch, though she wasn't little, said, "just you watch me!"
Wow.. I thought for sure we'd be killed. Tried to call the law, but they came over & were chatting & talking to the perps, like it was some kind of hen party!
Creepy! Then we were assaulted by the police themselves, later .. no one helped us either.

But that's so typical of this area... the good ole' south. Well, it ain't good, and there ain't no southern hospitality here neither.
Don't let anyone convince you of that.. but we got tired of being abused by the neighbors and tried to find friends on the web.
There was a few sites that were nice, but most are not! I hate that about most of the web now.. how they allow all this rudeness.
Shoot, if you yelled & screamed obscenities and insults to someone in person, they'd probably arrest you for disorderly conduct!
But not this crowd...we kept speaking out about stuff that was horrible in our town.. True stuff, stuff, we'd seen on the news, and with our own two eyes.
They got a website, I'll not name its name. Think we're being stalked now.. but they got some evil fucked up nasty trolls. Trolls the moderators does NOTHING about EVER!
You go there, thinking you'll be treated well, and they're nice for awhile, but don't be disagreeing with these twats about anything! They're f**ed up as hell. You don't like my language google, then you are subject to a lawsuit. It's called freedom of Speech, thank you.
You think you can post anyone's aerial shot of their home and not even get permission, but yet, we cannot swear here! Get over yourself!
I'm starting to not like Google at all! I cannot find anything at all when we try to search with its search tool.

We don't have the time to spend like 20 min. going thru the 10 pages of stuff, that never applies to what we're looking for.. annoying.

well, one of the trolls gets on this site, and claims that she worked for the federal... i mean state government.. It turns out she's worked for the same states that have violated our civil rights countless times! Now, i'm starting to see why the govt here in this country, does NOT do a thing when you complain about something.
She is the meanest, nastiest, fucked up, lying cyberbully & cunt I've ever run into! Meanwhile she pretends she's a nice person.
Then she is posting, admitting to feeding the bears all the time in her yard! Whoa.. I don't know where she lives, but I do know you do NOT want to start feedin wild bears!
what a fucking idiot this chick is! Yet, she's worked for the state that insists it's OK to feed ALL wild animals. I swear, this state is completely mental!! They are NUTS down here!
What are they thinking anyway? Or do they EVER think? Do they EVER consider the safety of others? Nope, never, cuz it SUITS them to feed wild bears and who the hell cares if people's dogs are being killed in an urban area, cuz you, you stupid fucking cunt, cannot stop feeding wild bears.
Now, if I lived in the country, and kept seeing wild bears near my house, cuz my neighbors were feeding them daily, I'd be afraid to leave the house! Once we had a baby bear, and it was TALL too... at least the size of a medium size dog, coming up to our back porch and attacking the bird feeder.

Damn the bears are really a pain in the arse to have around! You gotta not put your trash out, at nite.. gotta walk out around dusk, cuz they come out at that time..
They'll attack and kill a dog within minutes.

But, if our state government has idiots like this, who attack others religiously on a website that prohibits it, and yet, she claims she's a "nice person" then I can clearly see why our government is so F##ked Up! If this type of person is who their staff is, no wonder people can get no results from contacting the government!!!
This bitch kept insisting that you should write letters over & over, about a situation that puts you in immediate danger! DUH.. don't you get it, you flipping idiot??? We do NOT want to die! At least not any time soon.. not for years..
but she doesn't care... she'll stick up for bears in a bear sanctuary, claiming they're being mistreated but she couldn't care less, people cannot even step outside their back doors safely, anymore with all the wild animals running loose out there, cuz of fucked up fools like HER!

Now I'm not whining, making up stores, but bears are dangerous to be around. Yeah, they're interesting to see, but tell me this, would you want to swim in a pool full of piranhas? I doubt it. but that's about as safe as being outside, when a bear, who's been fed regularly by humans starts to come around. They're getting aggressive now to humans, for they've lost their fear, due to the idiots who INSIST on feeding them, near other people's homes.

well maybe if you are way away up in the woods and there's not homes near ya, for miles, then feed the damn bears. It's your funeral, not mine. but don't DARE feed these creatures if you got neighbors nearby.

That ought to be a crime! Especially in a city that won't allow anyone to fire off a gun, within its city limits!
That pisses me off, big time. But I've got a right to speak my mind. It's OK for her to slam us, to berate 10 people an hour on a website that doesn't allow that, but it's NOT okay for me to swear about others in the government who are literally destroying and risking our lives???
That's discrimination, and if you report this post, I'll sue you for harassment. It's high time our govt, who's taken our last dime, starts to act responsibly! No more, oh, just wait, we'll get to it in time, BS! Quit the crap, you're getting paid, nimrods!

Time to actually follow the laws you were hired to uphold! This govt down here, just sucks arse! I mean it.. it's literally like living in some 3rd world country.

You cannot defend yourself, you cannot speak out, you cannot fire off a firearm to ward off highly dangerous animals that come up to your back steps... what on earth.. do you think all americans are suicidal?

well, if you are suicidal, come this way. You won't even have to kill yourself, cuz someone else will easily do it, and think nothing of it!

And they call this America? they should have let the Deep South, succeed from the union... they're so strange, their ways... so narrow-minded, prejudiced, and so mean & hateful, many of the southerners. I mean this is the home of the KKK! Who on earth thinks it's their right to hang someone from a TREE, of all things, just cuz their skin is a different colour? That's weird, very weird.. very creepy too! Eeek... what can I say? Truth is stranger than fiction

You know, I've met many a nice southerner in my day, but we're really having trouble finding anyone nice in this area, lately!
I bet all the nice ones, decided to get the hell out of here, too before, they lose their lives!

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