Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I find Hypocrites so Disturbing...

One of my main pet peeves are hypocrites. People who claim to be one way, but yet, do the complete opposite.
Or, they insist that YOU act a certain way, but think nothing of behaving in the way they've just criticized YOU for!
I'll give you an example. We knew this girl, I'll called her Bella, and she roomed for years with this older guy, in his 50s, I'll call him Glenn.
Now Bella was going off about the fact one of our male friends was dating a girl who was 5 years older than him! So what? He's in his late 30s, he's not a kid, she's sort of a cute girl, I can see him being attracted to her. But Bella was indignant that he'd date someone "that" much older.
Meanwhile, her older roommate Glen, thinks NOTHING of trying to pick up women half his age. Last night, we all went out to a nightclub to see a band we liked. Glenn, was chatting up a girl, who honestly looked to be all of 17 years old! Wow... meanwhile, in the back room they kept CRITICIZING and making snide comments over us "older ladies".
We're not senior citizens yet, and one of us, just had a baby only a few months back, so we're not exactly over the hill yet, but if I had my way, I'd be off this mountain period! God, men can be such hypocrites and I'm really tired of seeing women treated as 2nd class citizens!
We work our heads off, to take car of our families, our men, our bf's, our children, etc and this is the thanks we get?

No good, not good at all, but that's the southern culture for you.

I don't really think they've shown much respect to women, except for their moms, for a long time now. All the women are expected to look "beautiful" at all times, here in the south, even if you are only going to pick up a gallon of milk in a grocery store. However, countless times I've seen guy dressed like bums, i.e. they are dressed like they just finished doing chores out in their backyards, and look very disheveled and unkempt, but that's OK for guys!
For us, it's totally not.

Also, I see another thing with men. Lots of men don't want other guys checking them out, or putting their hands on them, (which I can well understand) but somehow a woman either being a lesbian or bisexual is perfectly acceptable to them, and they expect many women to tolerate another woman eyeing them over, or even another woman making a pass at her.
There was this one girl there last night, well she looked all of 22 years old, if at that, but instantly I was getting creepy vibes off her. I'm not a lesbian, so I sure don't want ANY woman checking me out, like a man would. This young girl, likes looks me over, and sits right next to me, making sure she's sitting as close as possible.
It made me very uncomfortable and I got up and left. I noticed though, this other lady, though it was perfectly OK to do a close dance with her, like they were man and woman waltzing. That's always strange to me. Then they were talking candidly, smiling like banshees and just acting like BFF! Maybe that's why my friend broke up with her. I never really thought of her as a lesbian or bisexual, but I could well be wrong. I do remember that Sandra Bullock, just came out in the news that she likes women, dating-wise. Well, maybe that's explains why her husband starting to cheat on her! He wanted a woman, who wanted a man, not another woman!

I don't mind dancing, with others, if you are sort of dancing on your own and you got at least several feet of space between y'all. But all these girls, who expect other women to dance with them, very close , and in a sort of waltz/couple style dancing, like they're dancing with a guy, is very odd to me!

I also kept seeing these older woman, last nite, kept looking at me, like they were checking me out. Then I noticed them, later getting up, holding hands! Well, obviously my instincts proved right. They were probably lesbians or bisexual women. Creepy!
I hate that place cuz they have the weirdest people go in there. I've heard though that a girl was threatened by a man, in there, and the owners didn't want to do a thing about it!
I also heard someone got run over there, in the back of their club by a car. I bet, again, the owners didn't really care!

Maybe they need to start bringing back Discos and Country Western Dancing back to our area! I certainly loved that kind of dancing myself. You got to learn all sorts of new steps, and it was nice and romantic way to meet attractive men!
I'd certainly not be close-dancing with any woman, though. But, those kinds of dance halls, didn't really attract the left-wing, super-liberal, homosexual or bisexual crowd, whereas that club last night we went to, did!

I sure wish they'd sell that close to new management. It definitely needs a new influence there.

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