Saturday, March 13, 2010

MY GOD, the cyber-bullies are like poisonous VENON on the Web!

I'm telling you, it's getting SO old now!

The amount of hateful vicious, vindicative a##holes who exist on the web, only to start flame wars, tearing someone to ribbons, they don't even KNOW!

I mean, really! Can you NOT find something better to do with your time???

The problem is, whenever I join a new forum, lately, even though it CLAIMS we are OBLIGATED to be RESPECTFUL to others, I end up being tossed about like some tennis ball, by some weird arse rude, deliberately abrasive, control freak CYBER BULLY!

I hate the internet, I'm really starting to! It's wasted SO much of my time, trying to defend myself against all these RUDE MOTHERFUCKERS!

I will probably create a blog on the website I'm speaking of, one day, but to day I'm not! They are weird as hell!

I did complain about them on another site though.. let others KNOW what kind of WITCH exists on their website, and then they can see if they will STILL get any business off it?

Hehehe.. you see, these moderators who DON"T moderate are often the cause of all the cyber-bullying!

It's sad.. it's like a town without any police where the crooks run rampant and the civil nice people, just don't bother to leave their houses!

I was just reading about some Ebay problems that were occurring, something about handbags and how the sellers, some of them, were gettin cut-throat b/c someone found out there were being fake purses sold!

Well, I can well see why I DON'T have a love for the internet, or a trust for it either! One guy actually was threatening one of the people involved and I foudn that downright creepy, saying watch out.. cuz we can google your home address... etc. etc.

which is WHY i'm very careful about WHAT I put out on the web! I do NOT like entering online applications for jobs either, and this one forum, was ALL about jobs!

So.. stop & THINK for a second. You got someone on there who thinks they OWN the place, they are a cyber-bully and are harassing all the newbies, BUT you got companies coming on there looking for help wanted, and these companies EXPECT you to enter ALL your personal info!

Whoa! And I'm REALLY going to do that???? I doubt it.. i'm not that stupid or foolish...cuz WHO KNOWS this cyber-bully could be best mates with one of the companies reps and then they screw you over royal, get all your personal info and there's identity theft involved.. or worse!
They were asking how many children you had, their ages, etc. That's WEIRD! What is the purpose of THAT if all you need me to do is work for you? You are not goin to let me bring in my children to work with me, are you?

Anyway.. i'm TIRED very TIRED of ALL the rude people I keep running into and having to deal with lately!
I'm NOT in the best health lately... but I'm sure not wanting to waste HOURS of my time fighting with some cyber-bully just cuz I ask a simple question on a forum!

GOD! I fucking HATE cyber-bullies!

You know, in reality, they are the WORST cowards that exist in the free world! They KNOW you wont' come after them, cuz they are hiding behind their little computer screeens, but if they said to you in real life what they say to you on a web page, then most likely you'd probably be wanting to slap them across the face!
And that's what they deserve! I HATE people who push innocent people around in real life!
I just saw this special on 20/20 where some parents had given birth to children who had schizophrenia! Wow.. never realized just HOW bad it was for the parents. they couldnt' even raise their children together!

They had a little baby boy and the little girl who was mentally ill would ALWAYS try to hit the baby! Oh, dear! That kind of explains alot of crime & murders, really!

My word, though, I felt SO bad for the parents.. all they had to deal with.. having a kid who was hostile and dangerous to be around.. that must suck so!

Sort of like having a mean dog in your house! I really always made it a point to get dogs with gentle natures! It's great to have a loving dog.

it's getting really GOOD between the dog and the cat now. The cat is now hanging out in the same room as the pup, boy, I jsut LOVE that!

She feels comfortable with him and is even eating her food in the same room he hangs out in alot! I'm so pleased! I love the fact the cat likes the dog and the dog LOVES HER! :)

It's sweet.. you see, I do complain about alot of stuff i know, but I'm bothered when I see a lack of love present between people, species, races, etc.. it's disturbing.

I am a peaceful person though I don't believe in taking anyone's shit! But... at the same point I don't go around causing shit for other people either!
I believe what comes around, goes around... I truly do.. You be mean to ppl all the time, it's gonna come back to haunt ya! For sure!
Okay, i'm off here. whew!

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