Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why kids are overweight nowadays.. it sort of figures considering..

They were saying that kids being overweight is the norm, now, not the exception, but that sort of figures.

When we were kids, there were no computers, or even video games til we got into high school.. so most of our playtime, involved being outside, building forts, play hide & go seek, tag, something physical, but now.. what kids do for fun, is mostly inside stuff.
And the parents, they always are chaufferring their kids from one place to another, while we had to walk to the store, to our friends' house, etc, to SCHOOL even!

Geez now the kids are SO SO sheltered and SPOILED! It makes sense they have gained weight they shouldn't have. I've got NOTHING against being overweight but it does have an effect on your heart, your health sometimes.

Well, they are BLAMING the food they kids eat.. well, perhaps part of that is right, but more so.. it's the fact that kids no longer WALK like they used to!

Towns won't even build sidewalks anymore! You go look at an older neighborhood, built in the 50s or 40s, or even the 60s and 9 times out of 10, they had SIDEWALKS!

But now, the towns don't want to BOTHER with sidewalks.. So no wonder the parents are forced to drive their kids everywhere, there is NOWHERE safe to walk in town anymore. there's NO SPACE for pedestrians to safely walk on!

I know the same is true in our town.. We have places in the city limits and very few of them HAVE sidewalks, very few!

Only the older neighborhoods have them! That's a shame!

So MUCH for being green Asheville! You people are not GREEN! Just cuz you refuse to give out a plastic bag for customer's purchases doesn't make you GREEN!

You don't give a fig about the ecology, that's a crock! You just wanna make $$$ hand over fist here... I have YET to see what I see as a Green Movement!

One.. they had some houses, and I'll post a photo of this place, they build the houses on the EDGE OF A CLIFF! WHOA.. all their backyards, if you wanna call them that, involved, just a deck and a plunge of 200 feet over a cliff! Wow.. and I do believe there was a river beneath the cliff!

My word! I can just imagine if that structure underneath the house, starts to deteriorate.. what kind of danger that will post those families and the people who live in those houses, lives?

Eek! That's Asheville for you though. Full of weird people with weird ideas now! It used to be the opposite. lots of normal people, down to earth people with good ideas.. Not so much anymore..

You'd think they'd want to make lots of neighboods and shopping plazas with sidewalks so we could walk or bike safely to these places, but NOPE, they don't want to.
Nor do they have a very good bus system!

Gosh, even in Honolulu, which isn't a very big city. they got a GREAT bus system there. you can go almost anywhere anytime all over the island!
Nope, they want us driving cars! Lots of them! And how GREEN is that? How much pollution does that create? I tell ya.. lots and that's why we have so many trees dying of acid rainfall in the National Forests around here..

All that pollution is taking its toll. I just saw a story that they are going to be building rails in the eastern side of the state, but we need that here, in the western part of the state! I'm betting they WILL NOT bother to do that either! :(
Anyway, I'm surprised there are so many overweight kids now, but you consider that you spend your time, out of school, just sittin there playing video games or chatting on the net or just sitting there texting your buddies, how much exercise are you going to get?
And moms, don't bother to make home cooked meals much anymore, cuz most of them are working.

You start looking at all the chemicals in a microwaved meal and you'll be shocked! So many unpronounceable names of ingredients!

I feel bad for kids now, cuz so many woods and wildlife have been torn down before they were born. We always had woods to play in as kids, but now.. where you gonna find woods even?

That's "progress" they call it, but I don't find it very progressive OR Green! :(

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